

The extranet and asociated database may be used only in the manner provided by Fraport Slovenia. Access to the Extranet is provided to the user upon prior registration. As part of the pre-registration procedure, the user is obliged to provide true and complete required information. In case of subsequent changes in registration data, the user is obliged to send a notification. Access to the Extranet will be provided only to those users who need such access, which is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Fraport Slovenia may refuse access to the Extranet without explanation. Upon granted access to the Extranet, the user receives a dedicated password, which he is obliged to protect and may not disclose to third parties. In case of suspicion that the password has been disclosed, the user must immediately inform Fraport Slovenia. Access and use of the Extranet is free. It is forbidden to transfer content from the Extranet to third parties who are not entitled to access the Extranet. In case of observed violations, the user will be denied access to the Extranet.

Prepovedano je prenašanje vsebin s Ekstraneta tretjim osebam, ki niso upravičene do dostopa v Ekstraneta. V primeru opaženih kršitev bo uporabniku onemogočen dostop do Ekstraneta.


